Our modern, busy lives demand so much from us. In the rush of living, one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves is to allow ourselves a little time to slow. Slowing is not just about the pace of living, nor is it necessarily about relaxing or doing less. Instead, a slower approach to daily life is about allowing ourselves a little more time to pursue those things that feed our souls...
Inspired by the idea of a more unique approach to design, guided by how we want a space to make us feel, we’ve put together a few simple tips for how to cultivate a style that feels deeply personal.
Balance, and all the emotions of calm, contentment and centeredness that are so often wrapped up into its definition, has become an aspirational quality many of us pursue as an emotional goal above most others. The virtues of balance are self-evident and its merits apparent. As a counter for today’s hectic world, it is clear why so many of us crave this elusive state. But in spite of all of the obvious benefits of balance, do we ever stop to consider the potential benefits of the opposite? Might there be some merit in occasionally allowing unbalance into our lives?
With issues around ethical practices and sustainability increasingly on many people’s minds, we wanted to share a little bit about our own thinking on these issues with regards to our product curation and packaging.
Incorporating plants and foliage into interior decor is one of the loveliest ways to create a natural home and to bring an interior to life. Plants, flowers and foliage, whether fresh or dried add colour and texture to a room, creating a natural look and feel. In addition to adding texture and colour, potted plants add life into a home, not only contributing to the look of the room but also changing how it feels to spend time within it.
As part of creating a natural home, we have wanted to introduce plant pots for potted plants into our product offer for quite some time now. We are pleased to introduce our new range of handmade terracotta plant pots.
After a year of searching for the perfect linen, we finally introduce our new Belgian linen collection.
Our life is deeply impacted by the quality of the connections we form with others. Meaningful enduring bonds are the cornerstone of thriving for most humans. In current culture, among the most common obstacles to being able to fully connect to other people are the difficult challenges of distraction and self-focus.